
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
In the last month of an intense presidential campaign in 1984, Ronald Reagan had other things on his mind: America’s relationship with Israel. Just a day before meeting Shimon Peres, then Prime Minister of Israel, President Reagan debated Mondale in Louisville, Kentucky, then quickly returned to the White House for his meeting with Peres, as he deeply revered America’s relationship with Israel.Let's Listen.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
It’s October in America and 40 years ago this month in 1979, Ronald Reagan prepared for his third presidential campaign. In this podcast, we’ll look back at a few highlights from all his campaigns, we’ll hear his last fascinating radio broadcast before he announced his candidacy in 1979, and listen to excerpts from a solid 1984 speech that succinctly defines what he’s done and what he has yet to do.Let's Listen.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
In 1984, President Reagan had been in office for almost 4 years and was emerging as a "peace president," striving to put the Cold War behind him which led inevitably to a new appreciation of the United Nations. Looking back, his speech to the UN in 1982 was harsh; this one in 1984 has a more hopeful, optimistic tone.Let's Listen.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
During the month of September in 1984, Ronald Reagan was deeply involved in a political campaign, energized by a television commercial entitled, “Morning Again in America.” President Reagan loved these feel-good ads which were the essence of his reelection campaign. Let's Listen

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
According to U.S. intelligence and leading experts, Gromyko was not merely an emissary of Soviet foreign policy but really… its prime architect. President Reagan knew that Gromyko usually attended the opening session of the UN General Assembly in New York each September, so he invited him to the White House after the Un meeting for a visit and some person to person diplomacy.Let’s listen.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Throughout his eight years in office, Ronald Reagan gave NASA and the civilian space program strong support. On the day of Discovery’s lift-off, President Reagan delivered remarks about how our lives have improved as a result of technological advances developed as a result of space travel.Let's Listen.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
In the summer of 1981, immigration was a critical issue for the administration to address. Some things never change, do they? That was 38 years ago.
Let's Listen.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Looking back 35 years ago in August, our 40th president was back on the campaign trail, reminding Americans of his accomplishments, his future goals, and what he loved about America. Let’s remember what President Reagan sounds like on the campaign trail, let’s hear him work an audience on August 20, 1984 in Decatur, Illinois.Let's listen.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
While most people know that Ronald Reagan was an actor, many forget that he began as a sports announcer. He spent four years at WHO in Des Moines, Iowa, and he said they were among the most pleasant of his life.
Let’s listen.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
In 1974, Governor Reagan began to prepare for life beyond politics. Searching for a suitable escape above the California Oaks. He walked through the mountain trails, through thick clusters of oaks, around sandstone rocks, and embraced 680 acres of…heaven. The majestic property was renamed, Rancho del Cielo or Ranch in the Sky.Let's Listen.