Words to Live By

An audio podcast featuring Ronald Reagan speeches and radio addresses from the 1960s through the 1990s. A new Words to Live By Podcast will be posted every Tuesday.

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Ronald Reagan and Iran

Monday Jan 06, 2020

Monday Jan 06, 2020

40 years ago, in January 1980, Ronald Reagan was running for the Presidency. And then…as now…the subject of Iranian aggression was the focus of many speeches. Because in Iran, as President Reagan wrote in his autobiography, “more than fifty Americans had been held captive for almost a year under the regime of a vicious religious despot.” Let’s begin with his welcoming remarks to the freed American hostages in January 1981. In the speech, he personally recognizes several of the hostages and shares intimate stories that bring this speech to life. Let's listen.

Monday Dec 30, 2019

It’s New Year’s Eve and this is our last podcast for 2019. So we think the best way to close out the year and open 2020 is to listen to speeches rarely heard, yet truly fascinating.Let's Listen.

Monday Dec 16, 2019

In this podcast, we’ll focus on Radio Marti, and the Voice of America, both communication systems enhanced by our 40th President’s belief in getting our message of freedom into the hands of those who needed it most. Let's Listen.

Ronald Reagan and…Syria

Monday Nov 25, 2019

Monday Nov 25, 2019

Just months after taking office, President Reagan was focused on Middle East turmoil when Israel was being shelled by Lebanon in May 1981. By June 1983, President Reagan commented on Syria when speaking before the Anti-Defamation League Convention of the B’nai B’rith.Let’s listen

Monday Nov 18, 2019

35 years ago, a statue entitled “The Three Fighting Men” by sculptor Frederic Hart was dedicated by President Reagan at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Veterans Day 1984. We believe his remarks which were exceptional and deserve a closer look.Let's listen.

Monday Nov 11, 2019

In this week’s podcast, we celebrate that day in November 1989, when the Berlin Wall was finally destroyed 30 years ago. Rather than continuing to focus on the famous remarks delivered by President Reagan in 1987 when he asked Gorbachev to tear down the wall, we thought we’d go back in history, to recall the story of the Wall and review some of the President’s early remarks about the Wall… because for many years, our 40th president viewed it as the ultimate symbol of Soviet aggression and totalitarian control, unyielding to its innocent prisoners. Let's listen.

Monday Nov 04, 2019

On November 6th, 1984, Ronald Wilson Reagan was victorious in his bid to lead America for four more years and we’ll dedicate this podcast to a few components of this historic election.Let's Listen.

Campaign Climax

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019

Do you recall what Ronald Reagan did in 1980 and again in 1984? In this podcast, we’ll look at Ronald Reagan’s speech on the eve of the 1980 election, entitled “A Vision for America”. And four years later, in the second half of this podcast, we’ll listen to his national radio address delivered on election eve.Let's listen.

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019

There was a speech delivered by Ronald Reagan on National Television that vaulted him to national recognition, entitled, A Time for Choosing. It’s hard to believe this speech was aired 55 years ago, so let’s go back and let Ronald Reagan set the stage.Let's Listen.

The President and Al Smith

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019

Who is Al Smith and why should you care? Well, he was one of the President’s favorite politicians – yes, he was a Democrat. What Ronald Reagan loved about Al Smith was how he chose to appeal for tolerance and sought to make the economy work for everyone.Let's Listen.

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