Words to Live By

An audio podcast featuring Ronald Reagan speeches and radio addresses from the 1960s through the 1990s. A new Words to Live By Podcast will be posted every Tuesday.

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Tuesday Aug 04, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we present President Reagan’s remarks accepting the Presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Dallas, Texas on August 23, 1984. Let’s listen.

Economic Hardships

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020

Wednesday Jul 29, 2020

Almost as soon as the Inaugural ceremony was over, President Reagan set his sights on Capitol Hill. From day one, he and his team worked tirelessly to get Congress to pass legislation to put the economy back on track. Even a near-fatal assassination attempt did not slow him down. Nine months into his presidency he delivered remarks on the program for economic recovery at a White House reception for Members of Congress. Let’s listen. 

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020

On July 16, 1980, Ronald Reagan secured the nomination for the Republican Party, formally accepting the nomination at the Republican National Convention in Detroit Michigan on July 17, 1980. Let’s listen.


Tuesday Jul 14, 2020

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020

In 1987, during an address to high school students on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, President Reagan declared, “We cannot be complacent about racism and bigotry. And I would challenge all of you to pledge yourselves to build an America where incidents of racial hatred do not happen.” Let’s listen.


Tuesday Jul 07, 2020

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020

In a statement announcing actions against terrorism just one month prior to his speech, President Reagan wrote, “The war which terrorists are waging is not only directed against the United States, it is a war against all of civilized society. This is a war in which innocent civilians are targets. This is a war in which innocent civilians are intentional victims…This cannot continue. We must act against those who have so little regard for human life and the values we cherish.” Let’s listen.

4th of July

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020

These past few months have been trying times for Americans and people around the world as we have battled with the Coronavirus and everything in its wake, but let’s now take a moment to be thankful that we ARE Americans…that we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Let's listen.

Father’s Day and Flag Day

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020

In this radio address, delivered at Camp David on June 14, 1986, President Reagan spoke about both Flag Day, as well as Father’s Day, which was just a few days away. Let’s listen.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020

Last week marked the 76th anniversary of D-Day. To honor the occasion, let’s go back and listen to our June 2019 Words to Live by Podcast on the Normandy invasion, and President Reagan’s speeches honoring the 40th anniversary of that historic day. Let's Listen.

Memorial Day 2020

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

For all Americans, Memorial Day is a day to honor those who lost their lives defending our nation, our freedom, and our allies.
In this week’s Words to Live By podcast, we are going to go back to our Memorial Day podcast from May 29, 2018.
Let’s listen.

Time for Choosing

Tuesday May 26, 2020

Tuesday May 26, 2020

As we wrap up our May podcasts of bringing you some of our favorite Ronald Reagan speeches and quotes, we thought we would end the month with our most listened to and downloaded Ronald Reagan speech on our YouTube Channel – Governor Reagan’s “Time For Choosing Speech.”
Let's listen.

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