Words to Live By

An audio podcast featuring Ronald Reagan speeches and radio addresses from the 1960s through the 1990s. A new Words to Live By Podcast will be posted every Tuesday.

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1983 Beirut Bombing

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we go back to a harrowing time during the Reagan Administration – in 1983, over the same week period, the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut were blown up by a suicide bomber, killing 241 U.S. military personnel.  And, while dealing with the fallout of the attack, just two days later, President Reagan had to deploy United States forces into Grenada to rescue the American medical students on the island, as well as to help restore order and democracy. In this podcast, we’ll specifically look at the Beirut bombing. Let's listen.

1986 Reykjavik Summit

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we look at President Reagan’s 1986 trip to Reykjavik, Iceland – one of the five summits held between President Ronald Reagan and Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss meaningful arms reductions. Let's listen.

Reagan-Mondale Debate

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020

"I regarded the 1984 presidential election as pivotal – not because I wanted to live in the White House for four more years, but because I believed the gains we’d made during the previous four years were in jeopardy." On October 7, 1984, President Reagan and former Vice President Walter Mondale held their debate focusing on domestic policies. Let’s now listen to the October 7th debate.

The American Dream

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020

“The dreams of people may differ, but everyone wants their dreams to come true…And America, above all places, gives us the freedom to do that, the freedom to reach out and make our dreams come true.” If you search President Reagan’s speeches and papers, you will find hundreds of references to the American Dream.  Let’s listen now to his 1982 address to the nation on the economy, where he talks about the importance of renewing the American dream. Let's listen.

Arms Reduction

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020

Ronald Reagan knew that the journey to arms reduction would not be short or easy.  He also knew it had to begin with an increase of arms.  As he wrote in his autobiography, “It was obvious that if we were ever going to get anywhere with the Russians in persuading them to reduce armaments, we had to bargain with them from strength, not weakness.” He spoke of his goals for reducing arms and nuclear weapons in a November 18, 1981 speech to the members of the National Press Club. Let’s listen.

Constitution Day

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020

On September 7, 1988, President Reagan issued Proclamation 5851 calling out the week of September 17th as Citizenship Day and Constitution Week. Let’s now listen to President Reagan’s remarks at the Bicentennial Celebration of the United States Constitution on September 16, 1987.


Tuesday Sep 08, 2020

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020

Today’s “Words to Live By” honors the 19th anniversary of 9-11.  We remember today not only to honor the almost 3000 innocent souls who lost their lives that day and the other 6000 people who were injured but to send an irrefutable message to those who perpetrated this unthinkable crime that we will never forget and our resolve to continue the fight for freedom will only get stronger. Let’s start with three quotes from President Reagan’s 1981 Inaugural Address. Let's listen.


Wednesday Sep 02, 2020

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020

In today’s “words to live by” podcast we’re going to get at the heart of President Reagan’s desire to truly reach across the aisle and work together, no matter what your political preferences. Let's listen.

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we present President Reagan’s remarks at the Republican National Convention in Houston, Texas on August 17, 1992. Let's listen.

Tuesday Aug 18, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we begin by presenting President Reagan’s Address on the Upcoming Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Geneva, delivered on November 14, 1985. Let’s listen. 

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