Words to Live By

An audio podcast featuring Ronald Reagan speeches and radio addresses from the 1960s through the 1990s. A new Words to Live By Podcast will be posted every Tuesday.

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Monday Jan 18, 2021

January 20, 2021, otherwise known as Inauguration day.  But it’s also historic for another reason.  January 20, 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration, making him the 40th president of the united states. Let’s use this podcast to go back 40 years in time, and listen to President Reagan’s inspiring 1981 inaugural address. Let's listen.

Honoring Heroes

Monday Jan 11, 2021

Monday Jan 11, 2021

Ronald Reagan made a point of honoring American heroes—in ceremonies at the White House and on many other occasions. During his State of the Union Addresses, he began a tradition of extending the nation’s gratitude to ordinary citizens who met extraordinary challenges. He described heroes best during his first State of the Union address, which he delivered on January 26, 1982. Let’s listen.

The Space Program

Monday Jan 04, 2021

Monday Jan 04, 2021

With President Reagan’s staunch support, NASA put the Space Shuttle to work on 27 occasions during his administration alone, carrying people into orbit, launching, recovering and repairing satellites, conducting cutting-edge research and building the largest structure in space, the International Space Station. Let’s now listen to President Reagan’s radio addresses to the nation on the space program.

Monday Dec 28, 2020

In December of 1985, just a month after their Geneva meeting, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to record a joint New Year’s Message – one that would play over the radio in both the United States and the Soviet Union.  President Reagan recorded his half at 9am on December 28th from the Century Plaza Hotel in los Angeles.  It was actually broadcast via television at 1pm on January 1st in the Soviet Union. Let's listen.


Tuesday Dec 22, 2020

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020

We’ll start today’s podcast by listening to President Reagan’s 1983 Radio Address to the Nation on the Celebration of Christmas. Let's listen.

The 11th Commandment

Monday Dec 14, 2020

Monday Dec 14, 2020

Speaking of invoking the 11thcommandment during campaigning, on June 29, 1987, while speaking to political activists, President Reagan spoke about the importance of following this tenant during elections. Let’s listen.

Human Rights Day

Monday Dec 07, 2020

Monday Dec 07, 2020

Human Rights Day is observed every year on December 10th– the day the United National General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is a milestone document that proclaims the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, color, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Let’s now listen to President Reagan’s remarks in 1988 after signing the Human Rights Day Proclamation.

All Star Tribute

Monday Nov 30, 2020

Monday Nov 30, 2020

On December 1, 1985, Ronald “Dutch” Reagan was honored at an All-Star Tribute by the Variety Club for their annual fundraising dinner.  The money raised at this event went to name a children’s hospital building at the University of Nebraska for the president. So in today’s Words to Live By podcast, 35 years after the actual event, we give you the December 1985 All Star Tribute to Ronald Reagan. Let's Listen.

Monday Nov 16, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we begin by presenting President Reagan’s Address on the Upcoming Soviet-United States Summit Meeting in Geneva, delivered on November 14, 1985. Let’s listen.

Time for Choosing

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020

In this week’s podcast, we present Ronald Reagan’s famous October 27, 1964 “A Time For Choosing” speech. Let’s listen.

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