Monday Dec 18, 2023
SpaceLab Collaboration
Do you remember Spacelab? Or perhaps the question should be, what do you recall about Spacelab? In case you’re a little foggy on this one, here’s a little history: during the development of the Space Shuttle in the 1970’s, NASA recognized the need for a facility to allow scientists to conduct experiments on the Shuttle while in orbit. So under a cooperative agreement with NASA, the European Space Agency built a modular research laboratory that would fit inside the Shuttle’s cargo bay. And what is so unique is not only our collaboration with the European Space Agency, but how Spacelab was built by a consortium of 10 European companies. And on December 5th, both President Ronald Reagan and West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl had a fascinating conversation with the crewmembers of the Space Shuttle Columbia from space and from the President’s Oval Office. In the second half of this podcast, we’ll hear the crewmembers explain in detail their objectives. It’s a little out of this world, I know, but a refreshing reminder of space exploration in the 70’s.