Tuesday Jul 23, 2024

Apollo Lunar Landing Anniversary

Fifteen years after the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the President invited the crew members to the White House for a celebration. You’ll be intrigued by the President’s remarks – he gives a little history and in the second half of the podcast, we’ll hear him explain all the inventions that have emerged from the space program. After his speech, you’ll hear Neil Armstrong speak and present the President with a gift, a small American flag that the crew had taken to the moon in 1969. Today, it’s been 55 years since that historic landing. Recall that at 1:18 pm, Pacific Daylight Time on July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin brought down the lunar lander Eagle on the moon's surface. Collins remained in the command module Columbia, which orbited 69 miles above. Five more missions sent ten more men to the moon’s cratered surface and 843 pounds of precious lunar rocks and soil were returned for analysis.

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