Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Advancing the Role of Women
Ronald Reagan believed strongly in equality for all – regardless of age, gender, race or religion. In this words to live by podcast we are going to focus on President Reagan’s part in advancing the role of women. In a previous podcast we discussed how Ronald Reagan pledged, during his 1980 presidential campaign, to nominate the first woman to the US Supreme Court, as he felt this nomination was long overdue. In addition, each year in August, he issued a proclamation for Women’s Equality Day, which coincided with the August 26, 1920 passing of the 19th amendment to the constitution becoming a law – which granted women the right to vote. In his 1985 proclamation he wrote, “In every field of endeavor, women have made notable contributions to our national life. Their achievements have shown that America's women are a tremendous human resource for our Nation -- an inexhaustible reserve of talent, imagination, and ambition. Today, women have an unparalleled degree of opportunity to decide what they want to achieve in their lives. Whether they devote themselves to raising families or to pursuing careers, their contributions to America are leaving an indelible mark on our Nation's life. In the years ahead, their accomplishments will continue to shape profoundly our Nation's destiny. And in 1982, he wrote, “women have faithfully carried out responsibilities at all levels of government, in every area of employment and education, and in the nurturing of families and children. Today, more than ever, we honor women for their contribution in helping to make America great. Let us help pledge anew to dedicate our efforts to ensure equality of opportunity for every citizen of the United States.” On September 8, 1988, President Reagan addressed Executive Women in Government, saying “you represent the leading edge of a great wave of progress for American women.” Let’s listen.