Monday Dec 25, 2023
A New Year’s Eve Message
So just imagine. You’re the president, it’s late in December 1983. You’ve delivered your evil empire speech in March putting the Soviets on notice… you’ve learned by detailed intelligence reports that the communists and Fidel Castro are expanding their efforts in the Caribbean along with infiltrating the island of Grenada….you’ve announced your Strategic Defense Initiative in March which was renamed Star Wars by the press, you’ve sent forces into Lebanon as part of a multinational peacekeeping force which became a target of terrorists killing 270 marines in their barracks as they slept, you’ve watched the war in the middle east escalate exponentially with bad actors getting involved from every angle, you’ve watched Soviet leader Andropov continue to advance the Brezhnev doctrine and …you’ve learned how the Soviets shot down Korean airliner 007 killing all passengers aboard…now those are just the high notes. SO..if you were president, and had to draft a message for the new year….where would you start?? Let’s begin by listening to our 40th president, the eternal optimist who knew how to make lemonade out of lemons. But always the responsible citizen, he begins by cautioning Americans about drunk driving on New Years eve then moves on. Let’s listen to a bit.